To add a document directly to a library, visit the community and select the "library" tab.
Once on the library tab, select the "Create New Library Entry" button.
The "Add a New Entry" screen will present several fields.
Title. Enter a title for your library entry. Keep in mind that one entry can have several documents.
Description. Enter a brief description for your library entry.
Library. Select the community library to which you want to add the documents. The drop down menu will show all communities of which you are a member.
Folder. Select the subfolder in the community library to which you want to add the documents. (There may be no folders shown on this page if no documents have already been placed in folders. You will have the option of creating folders for your document once you upload them.)
Once you fill in the first four fields, you must select the type of library entry you will create. Entry types include:
- Copyright licensed file(s). (Use this ONLY if you own the copyright to an entry and would like to add a creative commons license.)
- Hyperlink
- Standard file upload
- Webinar. (We do not have webinar functionality enabled on CASE Communities. You should not select this option.)
- YouTube video
IMPORTANT: Document names can be handled differently by different browsers and computer systems; filenames with spaces between words or with special characters (other than A-Z or 1-0) may not open or save for some. We recommend editing filenames to remove empty spaces, either filling them with underscores(_) or JoiningWordsTogetherWithCaps. Remove from your filename all characters like commas, apostrophes, colons, semi-colons and other punctuation marks, before you upload it.
Add this information and select "Next." You will be taken to the Upload Your Files screen, where you will select your files for upload. If you have more than three files to upload, select the "Add Another File" button. When you have selected all your files, select the "Upload File(s)" button. The files you've uploaded will then appear in a list below the upload tools.
At any time in the process, you can select the Previous button to review your actions, or select the Cancel button to cancel your actions and remove the downloaded files. To continue, you can either select the Finish button, or select Next to add a description to your files. You'll be prompted to provide a title and description for the file. Do so and select "Next."
In the final screen, you'll be asked to add tags. Tags are words/terms that describe a document. Users are able to see all documents tagged with a specific term. Examples include independent school, communications plans, crisis communications and sample job descriptions.
After you've added tags (not required), select finish and your library entry will be added to the community library that you selected.
The folders will display when documents are in the library. From here, folders can be created or deleted, and documents can be moved from one folder to another, by using the New, New Child, Delete, Cut and Paste buttons under the Folder and Folder Contents sections.
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