Update Your Privacy Settings

Select individual privacy settings for specific pieces of your profile by visiting My Profile>My Account>Privacy Settings. There are four options: My contacts, members only, public or only me.

CASE Communities has default profile settings—each field on the member profile is set to either my contacts or members only.

  • My Contacts: Phone number(s), email address, contact me options and vcard download.
  • Members only: Picture, mutual contacts, communities, networks, institution or company, job title, address, website address, bio, education, job history, certifications, digital ribbon, honors and awards, professional associations, social media sites, tweets, publications, region and district.

Additionally, community members are able to contact you. Notifications go directly to your email address and your information is included in the directory and in community rosters.  

When you select My Profile>My Account>Privacy Settings, you'll see the following screen. You can choose whether your profile may be accessed Choose your preferred contact and email settings and select "Save Settings."


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